Casino Chip Terminology

A guide to gambling terminology from A to Z . If a 7 or 11 is rolled on the first round, it wins.If you’re new to playing online casinos, check out our top casino bonus offers right here at JohnSlots.

If the player wants the original dealer bet to remain in place, the phrase "I control the bet" should be clearly stated by the tipper, and acknowledged by one of the crew, immediately upon announcing the dealer bet.More Related Guides For You Your Complete Online Gambling Glossary The world of online gambling really does have its own language.

The Gambling Terminology Explained - Caesars . An additional wager made in addition to the pass line bet.Carded coin-in reflects only coin-in generated using a players club card.Slang for the field bet.

Hold - Refers to the amount the casino keeps as net gaming revenue

  • 5 the fever ..
  • Apron.Even Odds:
  • A casino table dealer is also sometimes referred to as stickman.
  • Down To remove or reduce a bet, players often say "take it down" E[ edit ] easy way Any specific combinations of dice which has 2 ways to roll, the roll has a 18:1 probability of appearing.

When players exchange lower denomination chips for higher denomination chips Come bet:

  • Slot video machines or horseracing.
  • Two is "snake eyes", because the two ones that compose it look like a pair of small, beady eyes.Comps Comping is a practice typically done at Las Vegas casinos to encourage players to gamble.
  • It is considered bad luck to change dice in the middle of a roll.
  • While acting as the shooter, a player must have a bet on the "Pass" line and/or the "Don't Pass" line.Charting a Table:

Also know as the “house edge” or “casino percentage.” Invited Guests: Fold – To drop out of play, abandon the hand and surrender any wagers made.

Learn terms like progressive slots, random number generator, .. A reference to large amounts of money being played all of a sudden on one or both sides of the craps table.

Place Bet A bet that a particular number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will berolled before a 7 comes up. Are you still unsure about a specific game or term?

Double Odds: All bets other than pass line and come may be removed or reduced any time before the bet loses. Monte Casino Roulette Machines

Some casinos charge the commission as a one-time fee to buy the number; payouts are then always at true odds. It's also common to place a bet for the dealers.