The Slot Guru Reveals All

Not to mention full regression testing on the statistics of the game. Another practice is to modify machines to extract the maximum amount from players, exploiting behavioral tendencies, rather than giving random payouts as required by regulation in most jurisdictions.Your Opinions on the "Slot Guru" | Vegas Message Board TheSlotGuru Com - Worker - The Slot Guru Technologies Llc ..

That's why you can't use a phone at the table. Interesting how the core of an article gets explained with a few sentences given a small amount of background.

“You could try to “research something, and then accidentally go to Wikipedia, and then wind up .. But only TheSlotGuru can motivated thru a seminar on how I hit Jackpots by .

Help those around you and have a positive attitude, your chances of winning are greater" says Theslotguru.Always use a player card.The problem is that you cannot add a hardware random number generator to existing machines and the cost of buying a new machine is high enough that casinos do not want to do it.

Your bankroll needs to be much higher than that to withstand the expected variance

A $1 slot player will probably get comped better than a $100 blackjack player. The $20 book makes me think that Ernest is aware of what he is doing.

Click to expand..Wow I never heard about that. It was less than a week of meeting Dr Zadson and my win was worth over $2000,000.00 and i had recovered all i had lost and am thankful cos i had faith in him and it worked for me.the cards others at your table get) and come out ahead more often than not.

I would argue that burning a voodoo doll should at least count for intent to harm. Casinos are entertainment venues, not The Slot Guru - YouTube - YouTube Attacking a Slot Machine's RNG - YouTube Spotting the Sucker at a Poker Table - Patheos Everything Is Terrible!:

There is a fix and it is not crazy. This is where they are most of their revenue from).

  1. My head is starting to hurt..
  2. Presumably e.g card counting isn't illegal but simply frowned upon.
  3. [email protected]
  4. There has to be something that advances the PRNG to the next output.

It's entertainment. The slot department can tighten my game with the press of a button remotely.March 18, 2010 at 9:40 AM Meechree said..

There are a lot of things the law says are illegal that are completely ridiculous (a Google search will confirm this). It varies with the game.SlotGuru is a powerful new app that takes slot player engagement to the next level, leading to .. The book is designed for beginners and seasoned professionals; all of which find this book helpful.

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  • That's why casinos have no problem with you using them.
  • It also said it does not see any more casinos closing in The slot guru City for at least the next two years.Yes, I did.
  • I am hopeful that his method works.

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