Dr. Klodian Muço is a lecturer in the Faculty of Fastip at Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës. He holds a BSc degree in Economics from Bergamo University, Italy. Following a MSc degree in Economic Organization and Business Development in International Markets from Bergamo University, Italy and a PhD in Political Economy from Insubria University, Italy. Visiting researcher from Macerata University and Post Doc from from Fribourg University, Switzerland.Previously, he was head of the Department in Political Economy and Tourism at the “Eqrem Çabej” University. Dr. Klodian Muço has written about the problem of economic development and the impact of corruption in economic growth. He written several publications in peer reviewed journals in regional, national and international conferences.
His publications include: The determining factors of the delocalization of italian companies to the balkan area (2019); Crescita economica e corruzione: quale impatto nei paesi balcanici (2019). The impact of foreign direct investment on the productivity of the balkan countries (2018); The impact of state intervention in the economic development (2016); The role of human capital in the economic development and social welfare In Albania (2016); The impact of state intervention in the economy: does austerity encourage development or lead to poverty trap? (2015); Albanian economic policies on foreign direct investments during 1990-2010 (2015); Albanian EU integration and its economic convergence in the agricultural sector (2015); Albanian integration into CEFTA and its impact on trade diversion (2015); Economic relations between Italy and the Balkan region (2014); Transition analysis and the economic development of Albania during the post-transition period (2014); Albanian Industry problems and perspectives, in front of the crisis and international labor allocation (2014); Albania’s trade specialization and its economic growth perspective in the future (2014).
Contact: kmuco@fastip.edu.al